Communication, Media & Technology

Media encompasses various communication outlets and tools that store and disseminate information and data. It includes components of the mass media communications industry, such as print media, publishing, news media, photography, cinema, broadcasting (radio and television), and advertising. On the other hand, technology encompasses the collective techniques, skills, methods, and processes used to produce goods, provide services, or achieve objectives, including scientific investigations.

For companies operating in the communications, media, and technology sectors, effective risk management can be challenging due to the high stakes involved. The services you provide are crucial to multiple client business functions.

Cedrus Technology specializes in assisting you in understanding and managing these risks by leveraging industry-leading risk assessment tools, data, analytics, and technology. With our comprehensive tools, we assess and prioritize potential exposures, tailoring coverage to align with your organization’s unique risk profile. As the industry leader with the largest Communication Media-Tech practice, we possess invaluable insights that enable you to grow with confidence.

At Cedrus Technology, we recognize that delivering an exceptional customer experience is vital for success in the highly competitive and ever-changing communications market. Therefore, we provide the following services to cater to your needs and support your business growth:

Risk management using advanced tools, data, analytics, and technology.
Customized coverage based on your organization’s specific risk profile.
Acute insights and expertise in the communications and media industry.
Superior customer experience solutions tailored to meet your unique requirements.

With Cedrus Technology as your partner, you can navigate the dynamic landscape of the communications market with confidence, ensuring customer satisfaction and sustained business success.


  Artificial intelligence & robotics
  Big data & analytics
  Enterprise cloud
  Social enterprise & mobility
  Internet of things
  Enterprise on-premise
  Cyber security

At Cedrus Technology, our dedicated Communications, Media, and Technology teams operate on a global scale to enhance our clients’ expertise and capabilities. Our primary objective is to assist clients in smartly competing, delivering superior customer service for increased profitability, operating efficiently with reduced costs, making rational investments, and driving purposeful innovation. As independent thinkers, we challenge prevailing views while actively engaging as integral members of our clients’ teams. We are committed to working hands-on, collaborating closely to achieve shared success.

Our Areas of Focus:

The telecom sector finds itself in a challenging paradox, and we are dedicated to providing assistance and guidance to navigate through it successfully. Our expertise in the communications industry allows us to help clients adapt to evolving market dynamics and seize opportunities for growth.

The digital revolution has fundamentally transformed the media industry, and we are at the forefront of shaping its new landscape. With our deep understanding of digital media trends and technologies, we assist clients in embracing innovation, optimizing content delivery, and creating engaging experiences for their audiences.

The technology sector encompasses a diverse range of industries, including software vendors, IT services providers, hardware manufacturers, and internet services providers. Our comprehensive expertise spans across these domains, enabling us to deliver valuable insights and solutions to help clients thrive in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. We assist in leveraging technology to drive efficiency, competitiveness, and business success.